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Grounds Maintenance

Grounds Maintenance Services for North Wales and North-West England 

You can have beautifully maintained grounds around your office, caravans or factory. You can be proud of the grounds that surround your place of work, appealing to passers-by or customers and visitors that are on site.

Davies Land and Sea Grounds Maintenance teams work to remove those unsightly areas that surround many places of work, such as factories, office areas or even properties that share communal spaces such as housing association, apartments or housing estates with shared grounds.

With regular maintenance planned by our team, and designed to meet your requirements you can be sure the grass will be healthy and green, the flowers and plants will look welcoming and inviting and hedges and bushes will do their jobs without being intrusive.

From lawn maintenance and hedge trimming to flower beds and shrubs, your outside spaces can be maintained to the highest standards backed by our guarantee.

Are you looking to create a warm and welcoming environment, that enables your staff to relax outside on breaks and at lunch time? Maybe you want to be able to walk your prospective new client around the grounds with a smile on your face happy in the knowledge that all has been taken care of.

Our team have experience working on a variety of different projects in many different environments, including caravan parks, residential areas, factories, manor houses and even working for local authorities across north Wales and the north-west of England.

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